A great Mt. Bike adventure in the Oakland hills. Meet at the Skyline Gate Staging Area of the Redwood Regional Park. Our route: ccw, 10.6 miles with 1,320 feet of climbing. Skyline Gate is about 1/4 mile North of Carisbrook…
Danville/Mt Diablo
Danville / Mt Diablo Speed Bump Adventure Route A: 40 miles with 3,900 feet of climbing, Traffic: light to moderate. Route B: 30 miles with 3,500 feet of climbing. Directions to starting point in Lunardi’s (formerly Adronico) Market parking lot…
Lake Chabot Mt. Biking (AKA: Dark-in-da-Park)
Weekly mountain bike rides at Lake Chabot Regional Park, Castro Valley. Evening rides begin at 6:30pm in the parking lot across from the Regional Parks Headquarters. Usual route is counter-clockwise: 13.2 miles with 1,500 feet of climbing. During the summer,…
Danville-Morgan Territory Loop
Start at 8:30am in Danville for the Morgan Territory loop (around Mt. Diablo). Route A: 53 miles with 3,400 feet of climbing, Traffic: light to moderate. Route B: 25 mile out & back… but not around. via Walnut Creek/Clayton/Morgan Territory…